GTI and Operations Technology Development joined efforts to align the vision, messaging and implementation for the PSMS Learning Series. These efforts included sharing content and materials in development, determining key strategies for success and leveraging tactical guides referenced in the PSMS Learning Series. Each course is an interactive eLearning experience that will provide a foundation to the PSMS elements, journey, commitment and engagement.
Course 1
Introduction to American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommend Practice (RP) 1173 PSMS
In this course, you will increase your understanding of safety management systems and learn the high-level framework for organizations that operate hazardous liquids and gas pipelines jurisdictional to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
What is a safety management system?
Why a pipeline SMS?
RP 1173 framework for pipeline SMS
Benefts of a pipeline SMS
Course 2
Overview of American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommend Practice (RP) 1173 PSMS Essential Elements
In this course, you will grow your understanding of the 10 essential elements for an effective pipeline safety management system and learn about common pipeline organizations activities, processes and programs associated with this topic.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
RP 1173 framework for pipeline SMS
What are the Essential Elements?
The importance of essential elements to pipeline SMS
Course 3
Introduction to the PSMS
Journey In this course, you will learn about the maturity levels pipeline organizations experience and common industry tools developed to support each stage of their pipeline safety management systems journey.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
How to get started
Measuring system maturity
Common support tools designed for and by the pipeline industry
Safety culture’s connection in sustainability
Course 4
The Importance of Safety Culture
In this course, you will learn about what safety culture means in a PSMS, it’s importance to PSMS, and what a positive safety culture looks like in an organization.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Safety culture in a PSMS
Importance of safety culture
Key traits of a positive safety culture
Course 5
Contractor Engagement for the Operator
In this course, you will increase your understanding on the requirements pipeline operators have for engaging their contractors, why contractor involvement in PSMS is so important, and some support tools on this topic.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
An operator’s PSMS responsibilities to its contractors
Importance of contractor PSMS engagement
Contractor PSMS support tools
Course 6
Contractor Engagement for Pipeline Contractors
In this course, you will increase your understanding of safety management systems, why contractor involvement in PSMS is so important, and some support tools on this topic.
Target audience: External contractors who work for natural gas utilities
This course covers:
What is a safety management system?
Importance of contractor PSMS engagement
Contractor PSMS support tools
Course 1
Leadership and Management Commitment
In this course, you will increase your understanding of the roles and types of leadership within a PSMS, the importance of Leadership Commitment, and how Leadership Commitment advances pipeline safety.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Who provides leadership in a PSMS?
The role of employees in PSMS
Impact of Leadership Commitment on Safety Culture
Course 4
Operational Controls
In this course, you will increase your understanding of operational controls and their critical role in a PSMS. You will see how your use of procedures and work practices matters within your organization and why they are essential types of operational controls. In addition, you will learn how you and your fellow employees play a crucial role in applying operational controls.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
What are Operational Controls?
What are Operating Procedures per RPI 1773?
The role of procedures for feld employees
What is System Integrity per RPI 1173?
What is Management of Change?
Use of Contractors
Course 7
Management Review and Continuous Improvement
This course will increase your understanding of Management Review and its vital role in a Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS). You will learn how management reviews are used to evaluate the achievement of performance goals and objectives.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
PSMS management review process
Status and effectiveness of corrective actions
Performance measures and KPIs
Incorporating results of PSMS reviews, feedback, audits, and lessons learned
Why Continuous Improvement needs Management Review
Course 10
Documentation and Record Keeping
In this course, you will learn the importance of maintaining a procedure for the identifcation, distribution, and control of documents required by the PSMS.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Responsibilities for document review and approval
Removal of obsolete documents
Making sure that documents are readily available to workers performing an activity
Record retention
Course 2
Stakeholder Engagement
In this course, you will increase your understanding of engagement with internal and external stakeholders in meeting the requirements of a PSMS. In addition, you will learn how you and your fellow employees play a crucial role in stakeholder engagement.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
What is the role of leadership in stakeholder engagement?
Internal and External stakeholders
How stakeholder engagement relates to Public Awareness
The role Field Employees in external engagement
Course 3
Risk Management
In this course, you will increase your understanding of risk management and the goals of driving down risk and achieving zero incidents. You will learn how you and your fellow employees play a key role in risk management.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Role of leadership in Risk Management
How feld employees play a role in Risk Management
How non-feld employee play a role in Risk Management
Course 6
Safety Assurance
In this course, you will increase your understanding of Safety Assurance and its critical role in a PSMS. You will see how your use of audits, evaluations, and related work practices, like key performance indicators (KPIs), measures the effectiveness of risk management and the adequacy of the PSMS. You will also learn how Safety Assurance is a crucial component in the Plan-Do-Check-Act Improvement Cycle.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
What is Safety Assurance?
Auditing PSMS Conformance
PSMS Maturity and Benchmarking
Tracking Audit and Evaluation Findings
Defned reporting in a healthy PSMS
Use of Key Performance Metrics
Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle
Course 9
Competence, Awareness, & Training
In this course, you will understand the importance of having all personnel within the scope of the PSMS to have an appropriate level of competence in terms of education, knowledge, and experience.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Importance of training for internal and external stakeholders
Communicating newly emerging risks
Opportunities to improve processes or procedures
Potential consequences of failure to follow processes or procedures
Course 5
Incident Investigation, Evaluation, and Lessons Learned
In this course, you will learn about the importance of maintaining procedures for investigating incidents and near-misses that led, or could have led, to an incident with serious consequences.
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Procedures surrounding incident investigation
Evaluation of fndings from incident and near-misses
Applying lessons learned to the PSMS
Course 8
Emergency Preparedness & Response
In this course, you will increase your understanding of emergency preparation and response and how its role fts with the overall Pipeline Safety Management System (PSMS).
Target audience: Natural gas utility employees
This course covers:
Planning and Preparation for Emergencies
Potential Types of Emergencies
Internal and External Notifcation Requirements
Incident Command Structure
Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection Procedures
Communication Plan
Conducting Training and Drills
Updating the Emergency Plan