Tactical Guides
Tactical Guides
Damage PreventionDamage prevention personnel, supervisors, and field personnel, including contract locators are on the front line of pipeline safety opportunities with every decision they make and every action they take. Through this guide we encourage pipeline safety operational ownership by demonstrating how PSMS can be used as an effective tool to maximize system safety and reliability. We do this through connecting all work activities with a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach that guides our decisions and actions. These guides are not intended to replace company/organization specific procedures, specifications, or work practices.
Emergency Preparedness and ResponseEmergency Preparedness and Response plays a vital role in preventing and mitigating the likelihood and consequences of an unintended release or abnormal operations, as well as identifying, managing, and reducing risk throughout the entirety of a pipeline’s life cycle. By maintaining procedures for effectively responding to a pipeline incident, company emergency response personnel are a critical line of defense in maintaining personal, public, and pipeline safety.
Engineering and Integrity ManagementEngineers, supervisors, crew leads and field personnel each play a role in establishing and maintaining pipeline safety opportunities with every decision they make and every action they take. Through this guide we encourage pipeline safety operational ownership by demonstrating how PSMS can be used as an effective tool to maximize system safety and reliability. We do this through connecting all work activities with a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach that guides our decisions and actions. These guides are not intended to replace company/organization specific procedures, specifications, or work practices.
Gas ControlWhen it comes to pipeline safety management systems (PSMS), Gas Control plays a key role as a critical line of defense in maintaining operational safety and integrity of the entire gas delivery network. Gas control serves a unique role as a focal-point in system operations, monitoring and communication, by directing and monitoring operation of field assets in relation to simultaneous actions of multiple construction and maintenance crews working throughout the gas network.
Mains and Services ConstructionMains and services construction addresses installation, replacement and abandonment of natural gas infrastructure in a safe and effective manner using company specific standards and industry practices.. This is accomplished using an iterative process involving all responsible parties that are ultimately accountable for the proper installation and documentation of these facilities in accordance with Company Standards and Governmental requirements.
Pressure Regulation, Control and OdorizationThe primary function of a pressure regulator is to maintain pressure within established limits. This is accomplished by varying the regulator's position/opening such that the flow of gas through the regulator station matches the demand on the downstream system.
Distribution Systems Operations and MaintenanceDistribution System Operations and Maintenance plays a key role as a critical line of defense in maintaining operational safety and integrity of the entire gas delivery network.